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March 13th 2018

• Cultural welcome 

Cummunity tour at the Railway Suburb 

• Support: Movimento Ver de Trem, Platatur and Associação de Moradores do Conjunto Santa Luzia/Espaço Cultural Alagados.

(*) Optional - costs covered by participants

Preliminary program of the II World Global on Sustainable Tourism.

March 14th 2018

• Morning: Welcome: opening of the event with a short presentation of the participants and alignment of the expectations and goals.

• Afternoon: Opening of the World Forum and thematic debate Circle (with some pre-established themes and opened ones - dividing the participants in working group with further plenary presentation).

• Night: Circle of experiences and sharing of tours with the communities and everyone.

March 16th 2018

• Morning: Spare time to participate to the main event and market.

• Afternoon: commission delivers the charter to the international coordination of the Social World Forum.

• Night: Cultural night of integration with exchange of social coins, souvenirs and tours.

March 18th 2018

• Morning: Dismissal (cultural programming to confirm):

Community tour on the Liberdade-Cachoeira Road or Viver Tur-Matarandiba-Vera Cruz-Ilha de Vera Cruz/Itaparica.

Support: Núcleo de Turismo Étnico Rota da Liberdade, Viver Tur Matarandiba/ITES UFBA.

(*) Optional - costs covered by each participant.

Location: Campus da Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA). Ondina, Salvador – BA. Brasil.

To attend:

1)Register in the World Social Forum (USD 30,00)

2) Register in the World Forum on Sustainable Tourism

The World Forum on Sustainable Tourism is free of charge. The entire organization of the event is being fixed by volunteers. We are still in need of a few resources and if you feel you could help, please contact us in   

II Global Forum

on Sustainable Tourism

March 15th 2018

• Morning: Groups of debate by areas of interest.

• Afternoon: Collective construction of the debates synthesis. Execution of a Aquário to discuss about the future we want for the tourism that will result in the Salvador Declaration.

• Night: Plenary ratification of the Salvador Declaration and signature.

© 2023 por Jade & André. Criado orgulhosamente com

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